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About Insanga Home of bamboo salt! To Introduce insanga.  A Korean-style Green CompanyA company based on traditional Korean ideals. The company is based on the innovative idea that "It is good to take in certain amounts of high-quality Salt".Insanga has challenged the world's conventional idea that salted food causes harmful effects to the body. Insanga has taken steps to further the science surrounding the consumption of natural Korean-made elements, following up on the intentions of the late Dr. Kim Ilhun. Insanga began commercializing the world's first Bamboo Salt in 1987. Since its establishment, Insanga has placed emphasis on using the best in quality products and technical development so as to ensure perfect quality and product safety.Dana-Farber Cancer Center at Harvard University, the world's foremost cancer authority, as well as a wide range of other researchers has proved the safety and effectiveness of Insan Bamboo Salt. Insanga had already recommended consuming useful foods, focusing on the anti-cancer effects of garlic even before the establishment of company. We have developed Garlic-Bamboo Salt and Traditional Bamboo Salt Pastes, which have indeed improved Korean health overall. Insanga continues to make enormous effort in research and production, maximizing the value of natural Korean products and focusing on excellent functional quality. Insanga moves forward based on Korean traditions, with fresh ideas and  new technology.  

